How to Deposit or Withdraw Collaterals to Hubble Exchange?

In order to trade on the Hubble Exchange, you will have to deposit collateral into the DEX.

Deposit Collateral to Margin Account

  1. Click on Deposit/Withdraw button besides Connect Wallet from any page on the DApp or visit Wallet Page and click on Deposit button in the respective token row in Balances tab


  1. It will open the following view. Select the Token and Amount you want to deposit and click on DEPOSIT button
Note: now you will be asked to sign two transactions, the first time to let the Hubble Exchange access your tokens, and the second one will deposit that token to your Margin Account


Once both transaction succeeds. You can see your deposited tokens have moved to the Margin Balance on Wallet → Balances page.

Reload the page if Balances are not updated after few seconds.

Withdraw Collateral from Margin Account

Withdrawing is similar to depositing

  1. Click on Deposit/Withdraw button besides Connect Wallet from any page on the DApp or visit Wallet Page and click on Withdraw button in the respective token row in Balances tab


  1. It will open below view. Select Withdraw tab then Token and Amount you want to withdraw and click on WITHDRAW button
Note: You will be asked to sign only one transaction to withdraw funds


Once the transaction succeeds. You can see the Balance of the Withdrawn token on Wallet → Balances page.

Reload the page if Balances are not updated after few seconds.

I can’t withdraw funds but I have more collateral than debt, why?

If you have been liquidated and the hUSD balance is negative, you will unable to withdraw your funds even if your collateral is greater than the account debt. This is done in order to discourage negative hUSD balances. If you want to withdraw your tokens and are in this situation, you will have to deposit the corresponding amount of hUSD.

Note: in above cases you can use your collateral to pay your negative hUSD balance by using the Swap Token feature